Project outline & management plan

Here you can find our steps we are going to do and a timeline.

First steps from now will be:

  • Literature search

  • Creating OSF account (project page: and pre-registration (available here:

  • Work on different documents based on Github (.md files etc.)

  • Quality check of the data

  • Preprocessing the data

  • ICA group analysis

  • Comparing the results

  • Creating the poster

  • Final talk with the other groups

Here you can see our timeline with the steps of the project.

Timeline Timeline is hard to create tough, maybe one up to two weeks per step.

What software will be utilized for the different project steps?

We are going to use jupyter notebook based with different modules like mriqc, mriqception, Nipype and CanICA, all based on python.

What computing environment will be utilized for the different project steps?

Indeed thats a tough question. We started both with Windows 10 and had so many errors with e.g. SPM via Nipype and Docker. So Jakob decided to switch to his Linux environment and Luca used a virtual machine with Linux too.

How will the steps be documented and version controlled?

The steps will be documtend in the lab book of Luca and Jakob aswell in the different coding scripts.