Dataset & management plan¶
Please provide information concerning the dataset you utilized, as well as it’s management plan.
How was the dataset search conducted?
The search was conducted via the website Link:
How was the dataset obtained?
It was publicly accessible via the download function of the website.
What kind of data was utilized within the project?
The data that was used is data from a resting state fMRI study from a group of 51 patients with mild depression and a group of 21 healthy participants. Anatomical and functional scans were obtained. A session consists of 100 dynamic scans with TR = 2.5 s and 25 slices.
What kind of data was generated within the project?
They generated fMRI data in nifti format.
How was the data organized?
The data is separated into individual data folders for each participant where anatomical as well as functional scans are stored.
What are the administrative and legal aspects of the data?
License: Creative Commons Attribution License
The study protocol was in accordance with Helsinki Declaration and was approved by local ethic board of Institute of Molecular Biology and Biophysics.
How will the data be archived, exchanged and published?
The data in available via this link:
Dataset DOI: 10.18112/openneuro.ds002748.v1.0.3
Citation: Bezmaternykh DD and Melnikov ME and Savelov AA and Petrovskii ED (2020). Resting state with closed eyes for patients with depression and healthy participants. OpenNeuro. [Dataset] doi: 10.18112/openneuro.ds002748.v1.0.3
The study was published here: Hindawi, Neural Plasticity, Volume 2021, Article ID 8846097, 15 pages,
Who is responsible for the data and what are the duties associated with it?
Bezmaternykh DD, Melnikov ME, Savelov AA and Petrovskii ED obtained the data in 2020.
What costs and resources are associated with the project?
The study was supported by Russian Science Foundation grant â 16-15-00183.